Medical specialities compartment Internal Medicine Specialty

Internal Medicine Specialty

The Internal Medicine specialty of the General Hospital comprises two-bedded salons that offer special care conditions - bathroom, refrigerator, wireless internet, TV. Accommodation is also allowed for family members. During hospitalization, a personalized diet is also provided, which is appropriate to the patient's pathology.

Within Internal Medicine specialty, nursing covers a wide range of medical specialties, focusing on multidisciplinary teamwork so that the patient takes full advantage of the possibilities of medical investigation and treatment offered by the General Hospital.

Nursing care is provided by a college of highly qualified, experienced nurses forming a welded team in over 10 years of existence of the department.
The spectrum of diseases that can benefit from medical care and specialized assistance in this department is very broad, including complex, multidisciplinary problems in the same patient: circulatory system disorders, respiratory, digestive, acute and chronic infectious diseases, rheumatological diseases, and Diagnosis and palliative treatment in oncological diseases.

The Internal Medicine specialty benefits from modern facilities including cardiorespiratory monitoring equipment, automatic infusion pumps, personal care devices for patients with disabilities, and access to state-of-the-art equipment available within the General Hospital, including complex diagnostic imaging devices, Arteriography, nuclear magnetic resonance, computer tomography, digital radiography, mammography, osteodensitometry, 3D ultrasound, elastography, Holter 24-hour monitoring of heart rate and blood pressure, EKG exercise test, respiratory functional tests, upper digestive endoscopy and colonoscopy.
Last but not least, we benefit from certified and accredited laboratory services, which quickly perform complex laboratory tests.

The success of medical care is also due to the very good collaboration with the General Surgery Section, the medical catheterization as well as the recuperation team, the team work permitting solving the complex medical problems that internal medicine implies.

Internal Medicine Section Doctors :

  • Dr. Magdalena Zidu, Internal medicine Senior Specialist Doctor, Rheumatology Specialist Doctor, General and Musculoskeletal ultrasound certified
  • Dr. Irina Ungureanu, Internal medicine Senior Specialist Doctor, Gastroenterology Specialist
  • Dr. Angelica Nour-Dincă, Internal medicine Senior Specialist Doctor, Cardiology Specialist Doctor, General ultrasound certified, MD/PhD
  • Prof. dr. Daniela Bartoş, Internal medicine Senior Specialist Doctor, Cardiology primary doctor, Cardiology specialist, Public Health specialist, Doctor of medical sciences
  • Dr. Paul Mâinea, Internal medicine Senior Specialist Doctor, doctor of medical sciencese
  • Dr. Florentina Mehic, Internal medicine Senior Specialist Doctor, complementary studies: functional respiratory explorations, general ultrasound