Authorizations and certifications

Authorizations and certifications

"Victor Babes" Foundation has implemented a Quality Management System in accordance with the European standard SR EN ISO 9001: 2015 (ISO 9001: 2015). "Victor Babes" Foundation was certified by IQNet and SRAC (Certificate No. 1136) in January 2003 and recertified for activities in the following areas: outpatient specialist consultations, surgical surgical services, hospital medical services, occupational medicine , Immunizations and other preventive services, physiotherapy and medical recovery, laboratory analysis, functional exploration and medical imaging: radiology, ultrasound, hepatic elastography, digital mammography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance, osteodensitometry, food preparation and serving for inpatients. Scientific research, clinical studies.

Certificat SRAC
Certificat IQNet

General Hospital Accreditation - "Dr. Victor Babes" Foundation

General Hospital Accreditation - Dr. Victor Babes Foundation

General Hospital structure approval

General Hospital structure approval
General Hospital structure approval

Organization Chart "Dr. Victor Babes" Foundation

Organization Chart Dr. Victor Babes Foundation

Last update : 01/21/2020.

Sanitary notice for Angiography Laboratory

Sanitary notice for Angiography Laboratory

Health authorization for Radiodiagnostic Laboratory - Angiography

AHealth authorization for Radiodiagnostic Laboratory - Angiography

Authorization for the location and construction of Angiography Laboratory

Authorization for location and construction Angiography Laboratory

Authorization of Angiograph

Authorization of Angiograph

Sanitary Authorization of General Hospital

Sanitary Authorization of General Hospital

Sanitary Operating Authorization for Specialized Medical Practices, Medical Analysis Laboratory, Medical Imaging Laboratory

Sanitary authorization of medical cabinets laboratory

RENAR Certificate of Accreditation Laboratory of Medical Analysis

RENAR Certificate of Accreditation Laboratory of Medical Analysis

Authorization for blood transfusion activities

Authorization for blood transfusion activities

Authorization for clinical trials on the drug 2021 - 2023

Authorization for clinical trials on the drug

SRAC Certificate - Clinical Studies

SRAC Certificate - Clinical Studies

IQNet Certificate - Clinical Studies

IQNet Certificate - Clinical Studies

Certificate of registration in the records of the Bucharest Public Health Department

Certificate of registration in the records of the Bucharest Public Health Department

ORDER No. 553 / 04/18/2013 on the classification of the General Hospital of "Dr. Victor Babes" Foundation

Classification of the General Hospital

Sanitary Rx Diagnostic Laboratory Authorization

Sanitary Rx Diagnostic Laboratory Authorization

Sanitary Authorization TC Diagnostic Laboratory

Sanitary Authorization TC Diagnostic Laboratory

Authorization to conduct nuclear activities (I)

Authorization to conduct nuclear activities (I)

Authorization to conduct nuclear activities (II)

Authorization to conduct nuclear activities (II)

The outsourced services are provided by specialized suppliers, with a quality certificate specific to the performed activity

Protocols / collaboration agreements with other providers of medical services

"Dr. Victor Babes" Foundation accreditation as provider of continuing medical education

Accreditation Dr. Victor Babes Foundation as provider of continuing medical education

Agreement on the conditions and obligations regarding the quality and quantity of the waters discharged into the sewerage network of the Municipality of Bucharest

Agreement on the conditions and obligations regarding the quality and quantity of the waters discharged into the sewerage network of the Municipality of Bucharest

Authorization for ambulatory examination of candidates for driving licenses and drivers of motor vehicles or trams

Authorization ambulatory examination driving licenses candidates motor vehicles trams drivers

O.S.I.M. Brand registration

Certificat OSIM Sanoscop

O.S.I.M. Brand registration

Certificat OSIM Spital General - Fundatia V. Babes

"General Hospital - V. Babes Foundation"
O.S.I.M. Brand registration

Certificat OSIM Medicina integrata = sanatate pe viata

"Medicina integrata = sanatate pe viata"
O.S.I.M. Brand registration

Certificat OSIM Sanatatea ta este scopul nostru

"Sanatatea ta este scopul nostru"
O.S.I.M. Brand registration